Monday, June 11, 2012

How to Make an Outdoor Tv Enclosure For an Lcd Tv

We all know that times are tight, so if you are planning on treating yourself and you want to install an Lcd television in your garden, or even to put digital signage in exterior your store, we will try to guide you through the mine field.
The first thing you need to do is organize were the television is to be located, is this on a wall, or suspended from a ceiling or on a pedestal stand?
Most enclosures come with integral mounting lugs, however look out for the enclosures that have a rear bracket that bolts straight into the back of the enclosure. Why, I hear you ask, well quite simply, the threaded holes in the rear of the enclosure once it's bolted and in position will verily allow water to tract through the thread on each hole and over a period of time, water will enter the enclosure and cause condensation inside the unit, causing the display to fail.
Then you need to see what size of display you can afford, this will dictate everything. Once you have decided upon the size of the Tv, you then need to think of the terminate of the enclosure, is going to be timber or steel?
Then you need to think about how you are going to get the cables inside the enclosure, whilst maintaining a waterproof seal, however this depend upon the median temperature were you are and in this changing world, the climate is very changeable.
Then you need to think about cooling, is this going to be a easy unit, so when you open the front doors to view the television, the air circulates nearby the Tv, this is ideal is countries such as the Usa, when the temperature is dry, rather than wet.
If it is going to be a steel unit, this is a totally different ball game and we will look at this some other time.

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How to Make an Outdoor Tv Enclosure For an Lcd Tv

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