Thursday, December 1, 2011

Types of Hdmi Cables

If you are planning to buy hdmi cord then it is about time that you should reconsider delving deeper into this technology. High-definition Multimedia Interface is a brand new technology that has revolutionized the entertainment industry. You need to be aware of this technology before going for any purchase. The good thing is that you can assuredly find that facts on the internet with perfect details about the technology.

There are four main types of cables that can carry this technology. All of these cables are used in entertainment consoles, Blu-ray disc players and other devices that use digital signals. You can buy any type of hdmi cord but you should first assess your real needs as any wrong purchase can cost you money and will also waste your time as you will have to go for a exchange or refund.

Top HDMI Cables

The first type is known as Type A and is the most favorite and most base in use. This type of cord uses a appropriate of 19 pins and is ready in the appropriate format and plug size. This type of cable is most widely used and is excellent for all types of electronic tool and entertainment consoles.

The second type of cable is known as Type B and is mostly used in the film and Tv industry. This type of cord uses 29 pins instead of 19 and has a smaller plug size. It is excellent for use in entertainment commerce where different type of tool and devices are used and directors and technical staff want more flexibility.

The third type of cable is known as Type C and uses Hdmi 1.3 specification. They also use 19 pins but have smaller plug size. It can be used with conveyable devices and does not hold much water for use with appropriate entertainment consoles.

Fourth type, also known as Type D, also uses 19 pins appropriate and has smaller plug size. It can however be used with appropriate electronic tool and works well with all types of entertainment consoles.

All four types of cords are favorable for different types of consoles and cannot be used interchangeably. Type A is the most base type and is commonly used in homes and the corporate sector. Film clubs and television units are more comfortable with Type B whereas Type C and Type D can be used at home but with conveyable devices; Type D can also be used for appropriate devices.

Types of Hdmi Cables

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