Thursday, September 22, 2011

connect Your Laptop To Your Tv - 2 Real Easy Ways To Do This

Connecting your laptop to your Tv is much easier than you probably think. With the growth of programs ready online, more and more citizen are turning towards their laptops to view programs. That's what I did, but I also have a large Tv in my living room and I wanted to watch this programming on the big screen. So after much study I found the two easiest ways to connect your laptop to your Tv.

Unfortunately, most websites, especially tech websites, are very confusing and don't make it very easy to understand how to connect your laptop to your Tv. I am going to simplify things for you. There are two indubitably easy ways to do this.

Top HDMI Cables

Here is the easiest way to connect your laptop to your Tv. Check on your laptop for a Hdmi port. If you have an Hp you probably have one of these ports. If you do, you need to check to see if your Tv has the same exact port. Most modern Tv's do. My Tv is about 4 years old and it has one.

If you are not sure what a Hdmi port looks like, go to Google and click on Images in the top left hand angle of the screen and type Hdmi in the quest box. You should see plentifulness of example pictures.

If you have a Hdmi port on your laptop and on your Tv, you're in luck. All you need to buy is a Hdmi cord and plug one side into your Tv and the other into your laptop. Change the channel on your Tv (not your cable box) until you are on the channel that reads "Hdmi." It is ordinarily below the channel 2.

You can purchase a Hdmi cable about anywhere. I bought mine at Office Depot. Best Buy, Radio Shack, Wal-Mart and will have these items. Do yourself a favor and don't by the cheapest cord but you also don't need to spend more than for this item.

Ok, for those of you who do not have a Hdmi port on your laptop, you can still connect your laptop to your Tv with relative ease.

Sewell has a great puny expedient that you can buy that you can use to connect your laptop to your Tv. It costs about on and comes with all things that you need. You can find it by searching for "Sewell Pc to Tv" on Amazon. It's a puny black box with three wires arrival out of it and its model whole is "Sw-23000."

Even if you have a Hdmi port many of you can advantage from this Sewell device, especially if you spend a lot of time traveling. With this puny expedient you would be able to connect your laptop up to any Tv that you come over on the road.

Everyone with a laptop can use one of these two methods to connect their laptop to their Tv. It indubitably is that simple

connect Your Laptop To Your Tv - 2 Real Easy Ways To Do This

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